infix (+) , infix ⊎
Documentation for infix (+) , infix ⊎
assembled from the following types:
language documentation Operators
From Operators
(Operators) infix (+) , infix ⊎
multi sub infix:<(+)>(**)multi sub infix:<⊎>(**)
Returns the Baggy addition of its arguments. This creates a new Bag from each element of the arguments with the weights of the element added together to get the new weight, if none of the arguments are a Mix or MixHash.
say <a a b c a d> (+) <a a b c c>; # OUTPUT: «Bag(a(5), b(2), c(3), d)»
If any of the arguments is a Mixy, the result is a new Mix
say <a b c> (+) (a => 2.5, b => 3.14).Mix; # OUTPUT: «Mix(a(3.5), b(4.14), c)»
is equivalent to (+)
, at codepoint U+228E (MULTISET UNION).